March 8, 2023, | Updated Mar. 08, 2024
by @JoshuaNgala
To the great ladies out there who embrace equity everywhere.
March 8th is the annual International Women’s Day A day for celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.
If you are appreciative and live in the present, you will realize that it is not only a woman’s love of nature and art that makes her royal. Not even a soft perfume or a good dinner.
The wise lady in a man’s life—mother or sister is more valuable than this. To truly celebrate women, however, we must look beyond a single day and start recognizing their worth every day.
We must value your labor, respect your contributions and honor you for who you are.
I continue to affirm to you that the measure of a man’s success is a result of a woman who has always taken parental and family life seriously. Some single mothers have always made it without medical and financial assistance.
Thank you for your hard work and perseverance.
Your strength has made many extravagant men invest and make fortunes. Many of you are ambassadors who advocate for the fellowship of human beings and its importance over that of class and gender in modern society.
I will always respect you for your character and personal efforts, struggles, and achievements.
All that you are and hope to be, as Abraham Lincoln once said, you owe to your angel mother.
She has made you what you are. Add your angel sister and wife to the list. Apart from their sweethearts, women have always guided, directed with love, and stood beside their men many times.
You have a strong sense of self-determination.
Precisely, corporate and family women always get time, despite their businesses, to think, reason, decide, choose, and act on every possibility for their families. Your perseverance to protect a family’s reputation is an honor you do not receive from the college.
You (women) are born to frame goals worth reaching. My appreciation has never diminished for the women who spiritually uplift their men and make them see God as their family pillar.
Lost souls have attended religious nourishment services due to the influence of their wives.
I still maintain, without bias, that men and women are equal. But some women are more equal than men. It is for this reason that Martin Luther King said that there is nothing in the world more tender than a woman’s heart in which piety abides.
Gender inequality is maintained on many levels by archaic cultural norms. Hence, some men of all ages still do not know they are supposed to help you!
If you are a man reading this letter, do you know why it takes energy and thought from women to plan and give a good dinner party, prepare for overnight guests, cook nutritious meals every night, and keep the house from being in constant shambles?
A big thank you to the women who are reliable and faithful.
You do not only provide comprehensive child care but also cook, do dishes, do garbage pickup, do laundry, clean up toilets, clean up children’s vomit, remember flowers, and stay at home from work. Some of you even go to the extent of cleaning the garage, mowing the lawn, and meeting family expenses.
There is no special accolade that can rival the countless little big joys you have given and continue to give men.
May the world’s sons be fair to their own and other people’s daughters and share—rather than just assisting with parental and household responsibilities.
And to the foster mothers (in the context of caring), may there always be faith, hope, and love in your lives. But maybe the greatest of those be your love for God and your love for each other.
And to those who still hold unequal beliefs within themselves. Equal rights for others does not mean lesser rights for “you” (any individual).
Female-run entrepreneurships are steadily growing all over the world. Such businesses significantly contribute to household incomes and the growth of national economies.
According to a report published by legal jobs, 36% of businesses worldwide are owned by women. This figure translates to 114% increase in the past 20 years.
California in the US, for example, has the highest number of women-owned companies at 1.3 million. Texas has more than 860,000 women-owned firms.
Why should we care about women entrepreneurship? Globally, women’s businesses generate around 1.9 trillion dollars in revenue. The rate of growth by women’s businesses is 5% annually.
However, these figures do not tell the whole story, only part of it.
Businesses owned by women remain in the minority and the challenges that women who have adopted the entrepreneurial journey face are extensive and frequently very distinct from those faced by their male counterparts.
Worldwide, women still face social norms, time, human, and gender inequality constraints that limit their ability to grow to own their own businesses or even have careers.
Some of these challenges women entrepreneurs face include the following;
1. Countering the socially acceptable norms
The corporate world is mainly dominated by men. Most corporate and business heads are men.
In most cases, when attending a corporate event or an executive conference, you can count the number of female heads by hand.
For that reason, gender balance in company leadership, decision-making, and governance processes is an important step towards driving gender equality and empowering women.
Such an initiative will boost corporate performance. The socially acceptable and normalized setup favors and caters to men.
Therefore, when women get these positions, they might feel the need to match up to the ‘male expectation’.
To do things as the men do because that is what is already in place without any other oppositions.
Women often feel compelled to embrace a stereotypically “male” business outlook: competitiveness, aggressiveness, and also sometimes harsh.
Successful women CEOs, on the other hand, genuinely think that staying true to yourself while discovering your own voice are the prerequisites to rising above preconceived ideas.
Being yourself and having confidence in oneself is key as a woman in the corporate world. Putting in the work and perseverance is also important.
It is unfortunate that a woman has to work twice as hard to prove herself. Having a voice, however, and creating a unique space for oneself helps.
To help with this issue, women need to give more opportunities for successful female business owners to shine.
They have to challenge the acceptable social norms by supporting and celebrating the invaluable contribution of women business leaders and entrepreneurs towards economic growth and development.
Supporting and uplifting each other as women is important.
This narration also serves as motivation and creates opportunities for other women to interact and mentor one another.
2. Securing the funding
Most startups have to look for investors to secure funding for their businesses or companies.
For women, the pitching process is quite difficult on its own with much pressure to match up to men due to social constructs that men are better business people than women.
Women who venture into entrepreneurship are not poised to get a fair deal.
It is arguable that bias within the venture capitalists’ industry is preventing funds from being allocated to the best investment opportunities
Investors tend to invest in startups that are run by people they consider of their own tribe.
For example, if an investor is from the same place as a person pitching a business idea, they are more likely to invest in that business.
This means that venture capitalists headed by women are amongst the top VCs that invest in startups led by women.
This is through a great team and an outstanding business plan as compared to men who mostly just require a great business plan or idea and a good pitch.
Women have to prove themselves further. Capital raising for women-owned businesses becomes even more difficult.
According to a recent study, women are more cautious and do not overestimate their forecasts. “When they pitch to investors, they frequently use realistic figures.
However, because men frequently overstate and exaggerate, investors frequently dismiss the numbers right away. Women sometimes miss out on funding because investors also assume that women exaggerate just as men do.
As a result, they will provide the funding at a much-reduced level than was requested. Women must recognize this interplay and approach their pitches appropriately.
Although policies and laws have been enacted to create a more business-friendly environment for all, actual changes are still yet to be implemented.
Gender lens investing, which refers to strategies that address gender dis-proportionality issues and/or evaluate gender inequalities to inform investment choices, is gaining popularity.
Women are equally encouraged to utilize personal and professional connections to find support from both other women-led venture capitalists and men too.
All these both in the form of sound consultants and other female leaders. Whether those women have started their own businesses or are leaders in other companies.
3. Gender inequality
Most of the time, women can find themselves in male-dominated industries or spaces where they are not as respected as men are.
These spaces more often than not frown upon leadership in women to due many reasons including sexist ones.
“Earning respect is hard enough as a female entrepreneur,” a female leader said. Women have to reinvent themselves, with no room for mistakes if they want to prove themselves.
Importantly, gender inequality does not only manifest at places of work, but even in education, and economic growth areas.
On average, across the 2,000 companies, just 21% of directors and 15% of executives are female. Men primarily dominate the top positions giving women positions like HR and other ‘behind the scenes’ departments.
Women face a variety of challenges, including fewer established market networks and social and traditional barriers that limit women’s participation in business.
Religion makes it difficult for women to start businesses in some cases.
In some countries, women may be required to have a male partner who will do trade agreements, begin negotiations, and represent the company.
Regardless of these obstacles, the business world is gradually recognizing and appreciating women’s strengths and efforts. The world hopes to see more of it in the future.
Due to the notion that women are supposed to take care of the household and tend to home affairs, they face pressure from both their work areas and their home.
Women feel they need to succeed in both their jobs and also managing their household activities.
Men aren’t often required to tend to the affairs of a home as women are and this puts some sort of burden on them.
Despite the difficulties that many women encounter in the entrepreneurial world, they are nevertheless responsible for the majority of household managerial activities.
Providing true work life balance is difficult, especially for women who believe they must be perfect at both work and at home.
The family expects her to be a good and present working mother.
She is equally expected to be a wife, while the job also requires her to be present and show leadership and commitment.
No woman should feel obligated to do it all when it comes to work-life balance.
Create reasonable expectations and accept that no one person can “do it all.” Men should also step up and help women even in-home tasks to maintain a fair workload.
If men and women are to compete in the workplace, they at least need equal opportunities and treatment.
5. Lack of Female Role Models/Mentors
The disproportionate number of men in businesses and corporations as compared to women means more men occupy top organization/company seats as compared to women.
It makes women lack proper role models who have headed enterprises, and who might act as mentors.
A strong support system is also critical for successful entrepreneurship.
It is no surprise as according to numerous studies, about 48 percent of female pioneers report that somehow a shortage of suitable mentors and role models confines their professional growth.
What would women accomplish if they had an ideal support system? The absence of a suitable support system may be the cause of a company’s struggle or failure.
Nobody is an island in business. Women face the most difficulties in obtaining assistance, whether it is due to a lack of meaningful connections or a need for emotional or financial support.
They also require role models and sponsors to help them navigate new paths.
The support network is frequently cost-prohibitive, forcing women to postpone starting their own businesses.
The majority of this industry is dominated by men. It, therefore, becomes a daunting task to forge own path and enable introductions and contacts into some of the more elite corporate networks.
“Because most of the business these days still adheres to the adage about ‘who knows who,’ instead of what you know in the business world.
Enabling a woman with experience and understanding is only the first step on a long road to success in business and these support groups can offer some of these.
Life is a continuous learning process in which new information is presented every day.
Unfortunately, women’s access to this knowledge and information that is emerging is limited due to a lack of appropriate channels to start educating and mentoring newcomers.
Even though it could also be due to the competitive marketplace, women go above and beyond to find relevant and practical information.
Women who have succeeded in the corporate world advised on not being afraid to seek help anywhere when they might feel stuck.
Seeking help allows one to learn from what others do and try implementing what they have learned.
Seeking help also lets one know they are not alone in the journey of learning and discovery.
6. Fear of failure due to already preconceived notions
Running an enterprise is no easy task. It is full of risks, unplanned and unforeseen circumstances, and a lot of uncertainty sometimes.
Failure and making errors are inevitable. It’s part of the job.
However, women in business cannot afford to make these mistakes because it was hard for them to get these opportunities in the first place and failure will seem like they are not living up to the expectation.
None goes into business expecting to be successful. Fear of the known and unknown is a significant issue for women.
They are afraid of failing, especially when the people around them are highly skeptical of their business abilities.
Because women may now end up functioning from a place of fear rather than self-belief and confidence, this fear is toxic and dangerous and may even cause them to blunder and make mistakes in a bid to save face.
As a result, sometimes when they are destined to prosper, they will fail in business.
Women who try very hard and find success are often hesitant to tell the world about their achievements.
They are afraid of being labeled as arrogant, boastful or views as if they are bragging. Humility is not the same as shyness or timidity.
Women must be proud of their accomplishments and allow others to do the same
Taking ownership of your success as a woman inspires you to work harder in order to achieve more in your business. It motivates those around you.
Many top female executives, such as Sheryl Sandberg, have motivated and even influenced women to enter board rooms.
Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama are two women who have inspired other women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams on numerous occasions.
Confidence is a necessary component of prosperity and growth. Women must believe in themselves and take responsibility for their own success.
Without a doubt, women have been making tremendous efforts to be visible in the entrepreneurial world.
Their influence is impressive, and it is likely to grow further.
Women have demonstrated that they’ve had a higher rate of company success, and they tend to take fewer risks as compared to men.
Studies show that companies owned and led by women have proven to be a secure option for investors.
However, they continue to struggle to obtain the funds they require, according to statistical data from women entrepreneurs.
The above shortfalls are likely to change in the coming years as women’s presence in business becomes the norm. The world needs to do better for women.
So much potential is being overlooked due to outdated social constructs that men are better than women and that they can do more than women can.
Women can do well just as men can and these stereotypes have no place in the modern corporate and entrepreneurial world.
How do you feel making a first call to a total stranger?
In the world of sales and marketing, cold calling has long been a contentious issue. Although some companies vouch for it, others view it as an outdated and ineffective strategy. But it can be a challenge to deliver a pitch to someone who has never heard about you or what you are offering.
Cold calling can be an effective tool to increase revenue and generate leads when done correctly. Our team of professionals has spent years perfecting the art of cold calling and has used this strategy to help countless businesses succeed.
This article is going to be your recipe for success because cold calls turn even the most competent souls into neurotic messes.
Read on to learn the techniques for effective cold calling, whether you’re a seasoned salesperson or a company owner looking to increase lead generation.
You could be a salesperson, startup, or entrepreneur trying to expand sales lead. For that reason, I have gathered four research-backed rules to help you every step of the way to keep cold calls warm.
Cold calling is a marketing tactic in which a sales agent contacts leads who haven’t yet previously indicated interest in their product or service for the first time. If you feel overwhelmed by cold calls, you’re not alone.
A good cold call is made to someone who is likely to be interested in or profit from the good or service, even if the lead is unaware of the salesman’s brand.
In his book, Never Eat Alone, author Keith Ferrazzi lays out specific steps—and inner mindset—he uses to reach out to connect with the thousands of colleagues, friends, and potential sales leads.
The writer warns that you, yes you, should never make cold calls. He says such calls are for suckers!
He simply means every salesperson should make strategies that ensure that every call they make is a warm one.
How could you then warm a cold call? First of all, it’s all about attitude. Your attitude drives your fears. You’re never going to be completely ready to meet new people; there is no perfect moment.
Your fears will never be completely quieted because inviting rejection is never going to be appealing. There are always a hundred reasons to procrastinate.
The trick is, change your perspective on getting to know new people as a challenge and opportunity. Just plunge right in and cultivate trust. Envision yourself winning to win. Be the ball.
Below are the tips to help you make a good cold call warm;
1. Make a reference list
Having a shared friend or acquaintance will help you stand out for trustworthiness when making a call.
This quickly builds trust with the other person because they don’t know: who you are, your company and what it stands for, your customers, products, and reputation.
Try referencing a mutual connection between you and the prospect. Credibility is the first thing you want to create in any interaction.
No one will buy from you unless you establish trust.
Prior research to call is essential. Without this, you appear selfish of showing zero investment in the person on the other end of the phone.
Drafting off the brands of others. Whether personal references or organization is a helpful tactic to get someone’s attention.
When you mention someone both of you have in common, all of a sudden the person you are calling has an obligation not only to you but also to the other friend or associate you have just mentioned.
For example, try saying:
“My name is …, I come highly recommended by … (mention the reference)”
Make certain that you only bring companies and contacts to your prospect lineup that you believe you can assist.
Today, in the year 2021, finding someone’s contact is easier than before. Search engines like google are all available. Check their LinkedIn, company site, your CRM (for possible past engagement), socials, among others.
Professional networks like LinkedIn help in finding people you should make connections with. You are a click of the mouse away from making that contact.
Importantly, as you make references, use trigger events to get your foot in the door. If you contact someone right after they close a contract with your competitor, chances are they won’t bite.
You can pick up on these opportune moments — known as trigger events — by keeping tabs on publicly available information that surfaces every day across a variety of online channels.
Other main trigger areas could include: new executive hires, winning large contracts/large customer announcements, company expansions, funding, mergers & acquisitions, among others.
These references reassure people that you’re on their side, relate, and are aligned to their industries.
Having a network of salespeople where you can refer to each other is equally important. As you grow in sales, expand your networks and sustain good business relationships.
What this means is that the most effective strategy to close prospects is to keep growing your networks and nurturing those relationships.
Never Eat Alone emphasizes the necessity of developing a big network, as well as strategies for doing so and maintaining those relationships.
2. State your value
Having reference is just a stepping stone to getting someone off their reluctance. Now, it’s your opportunity to deliver a high-value proposition within thirty seconds of the attention given.
To communicate the need your product fills, and its differentiating factors, you need to create an effective value proposition.
Your business’s value proposition is arguably the most important element of your overall marketing messaging. It explains how your product addresses their needs.
A value proposition (VP) is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service.
Capturing the interests of customers and getting them to find out more about what you’re offering is a result of a successful value proposition. Here’s where you start to bring it all home.
Having a value proposition is important because it clearly and concisely communicates what customers can gain from selecting your brand over that of your competitors.
You’ve established who you’re selling to. You’ve established why you’re selling to them. Now, you have to establish why they’d buy from you. What can you do better than your competition?
This statement can be used in several ways, including:
– When pitching your company to investors or potential leads.
– On your company’s website to help convert potential leads into customers.
– As an answer to the question, “So, what exactly does your company do?”
You don’t need immense marketing to put what makes your business the best front-and-center in your messaging.
After all, you’ve got very little time to articulate why that person should not try to get off the phone as quickly as possible.
State how you are going to be helpful to them and why they should give you their time. That is absolute selling. Selling is, reduced to its essence, solving another person’s problems.
And you can only do that when you know what those problems are.
It is important to do some research beforehand about the company and the industry they are selling in. As emphasized while making a reference list, researching your prospect should be a pre-call ritual at any level.
Try to seek ways in which your pitch can help them. Remember, it’s all about them. What you can do for them.
The VP being a consumer-centric promise should offer the three things below:
Relevancy. Explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation.
Quantified value. Explains how your product/service will deliver specific benefits.
Differentiation. Compels the ideal customer to buy from you and not from the competition.
3. Talk little, say a lot, make it quick, convenient, and definitive
You have already enticed the person with your value proposition, and now they have your attention. They have even started having a conversation with you. Bingo!
But even as the conversation flows, remember the rule here: make it quick and precise. It’s a dialogue, not a scripted boring monologue that would turn off someone.
While it is important to have a script, make sure you talk like an actual person, not just someone reading lines. Hold a conversation with your prospect.
You’ll be flexible to cope with the conversation better if you know how to explain who you are and why someone should care if you understand how to explain who you are and why somebody would care.
Then, create a list of open-ended questions to help you start your conversations. When you ask these questions, you must be prepared to listen rather than simply waiting for your turn to speak again.
The reason for a cold call is to get an appointment to explain further your value proposition. These prospects are people who weren’t expecting the call and were probably doing other things when you ‘interrupted’ them.
Try to be quick, stating what exactly it is you aim to do for them in a few words but with great meaning and promise.
Your diction and business phrases remain a deal-breaker too. Try to use the words “Talking with” when you get someone on the line.
These two words imply that you and your prospect are going to be engaging in conversation.
In contrast, “speaking to” describes a one-way action. It suggests that you are going to broadcast your message — whether they want to listen or not.
Try and understand your prospect’s requirements and needs so you can address them accordingly.
You may develop opening value statements that set you apart from the competition while quickly heating up your cold calls by analyzing your top client’s specific requirements.
Instead of making cliché statements like we should hook up sometimes when you get a space, impart a sense of urgency and convenience instead.
Finalize with a definitive statement like:
“I will be in town next week. How about lunch on Tuesday? I know this is going to be beneficial for both of us, so I’ll make time no matter what”.
Important to remember that many marketers use the Sales Pitch Framework for building their elevator pitches. They also use success stories in their pitches to ensure the sale. Name-dropping really works, so be sure to use that to your advantage.
4. Offer a compromise
As mentioned above, the goal of a cold call isn’t to pitch to someone on the spot. You’re just trying to get them to commit to a meeting at a later date.
Don’t expect to sell within the first pitch/call. If the prospect is not interested in your pitch, try finding a compromise.
For example:
“I understand you are not interested in this particular item but could I maybe interest you in a similar…”.
Also, be willing to learn as you push for the prospect to accept your pitch. With an example below, you could try saying:
“I admire your forthrightness. The most difficult aspect of my job is not knowing whether or not we can assist someone. Do you mind telling me why you don’t think we can support you, for my own education?”
Frequently, people won’t get back to you as expected. Setting up such meetings sometimes takes time. You, therefore, have to be aggressive.
You have to put your ego aside and persist in calling or writing. And when you finally meet, do not sabotage your effort to show anger that they never got back to you as could have expected. Nor should you apologize for your persistence.
Find a Calling Schedule that Works. If you call prospects with no particular schedule from 9 am-5 pm each day, you’re missing an opportunity.
Someone who is busy is likely to pick calls at unusual hours, say at 8 am, or at 6.30 pm when they are less engaged at work.
When you call someone who can benefit from your offer, you are assisting them in bettering their lives and businesses. Don’t waste your valuable time looking to reach people who don’t need what you’re selling.
Also, it is important to remind target prospects about the pitch. Next, provide concise responses to common objections.
You won’t be able to do these on the fly when you’re first learning to cold call, so write them down word for word.
In sum, as discussed above, apply the rule of warm calling within your 15 seconds of fame. Convey credibility by mentioning a familiar person or institution.
State your value proposition- how the person on the other end or his company would benefit from your proposal.
Impart a sense of urgency and convenience by being prepared to do whatever it takes whenever it takes to meet the other person on their terms.
Be prepared to offer a compromise that secures a definite follow-up at a minimum.
Do not trust your manager. Don’t get too emotional about anything at the company. Remember, it’s not personal; it’s only business…
You must have heard such outdated thoughts. Leftovers from the early years of the industrial age, when business organizations felt they had to protect themselves through command-and-control methods.
In the present day, however, businesses are undergoing trust transformations where culture matters, employees matter, customers matter, and it all starts at the top.
American motivational speaker Zig Ziglar once said: “If people like you they’ll listen to you, but if they trust you they’ll do business with you. Before customers make a purchase from you, they need to be able to trust you.
The question isn’t: Should they trust you? It’s: How do you build trust so your relationship, and hopefully company, can grow and thrive? Before you can build trust, you have to understand what it means to you, your employees, partners, and consumers.
Trust is the social glue that holds business relationships together by keeping a visionary company the ‘crown jewel’ in their industries.
The dynamics of building a relationship is necessarily incremental. You can only truly gain someone’s trust and commitment little by little over time.
It is the expectation and faith that two parties-for this case your company and its consumers will act to secure mutual benefits.
But how do you build trust so your relationship, and hopefully company, can grow and thrive? Essentially, knowing how to build trust with customers is critical in today’s business climate.
Extremely important is trust, and quite personal between you and your customers. It also takes a long time to build, and can be easily damaged.
A manager or an executive may take years to develop the trust of his or her employees and that of consumers, but only moments to lose it. For that reason, businesses develop trust by standing behind their promises. Lack of it becomes the biggest expense.
Business magnate Warren Buffett once said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.
Consider how Facebook’s untouchable aura evaporated overnight following reports of their association with the British political consultants, Cambridge Analytica?
In essence, no corporation is immune to scandal and the resulting impact on customers’ trust.
Relationships are solidified by a trust. Institutions are built on it. You gain trust by asking not what people can do for you, but what you can do for others.
In other words, a solid relationship is essentially important in customer value proposition (CVP)– the sum total of benefits that a seller promises a customer will receive in return for the payment or other value transfer.
The trust process requires the willingness to increase the resources invested in another party. It’s based on positive expectations resulting from past positive mutual interactions.
Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Learn about the incredible power of relationships.
Consequently, it’s easy to look at any company, especially one doing well, and be able to describe who their customers are.
Repeated profitable sales are the lifeblood of such businesses. Without them, your business will die. A great example of this is the Hall of Famer, the late Katharine Graham who cultivated trust in everyone.
The tragic death of her husband transformed her from wife to publisher overnight. She took over the Washington Post in 1963 after the death of her husband, Philip Graham.
Her shy and quiet demeanor seemed unfit to deal with the demands of one of the most important newspapers in America.
Graham proved everyone wrong. She helped to build one of the great newspapers and most successful businesses. Her most lasting legacy was running the Post with compassion, kindness, and sincerity.
She became a powerful figure. The bottom line is: she made friends with everyone—not just those who could assist her newspaper or augment her position.
Presently, a company creates and delivers unique value for its customers and differentiates itself from its competitors through a combination of engaged employees and accountable management.
Such are outcomes of developed trust.
A brand, therefore, is what a business is all about in the hearts and minds of the people. Most importantly, to its future. That is based on consumer trust and loyalty.
The fate of your business lies not just in having the best product or service but in a company’s ability to market products or services by establishing proper relationships to interact with the customers through their ‘journey’.
That is why, if you have the ability to grow your revenue profitably, there’s almost no business problem you can’t solve. But it depends on how to position your business, dominate your market, and stay first in the minds of consumers.
As a matter of fact, it is widely evident that without a brand ideal, no business can truly excel. It’s on the reason that sales revenue is the best way to judge your marketing’s success.
Have you ever thought about why consumers buy from you rather than another company? It’s because of your (company’s) brand image, reputation, and the relationships you have with them.
Such, well maintained, doesn’t leak money but elevates companies with ideals of improving people’s lives. At the center of all, to outperform the market by a huge margin.
To transform a company, people must align themselves and work together toward one goal. But it will not happen without a culture of trust.
Below are the 6 ways a company can build trust with its consumers:
Design strategies to increase confidence in your e-commerce. With that, your customers will feel perfectly safe using their credit cards on the Internet to shop with you.
For a physical store, include it on Google map with its location. Consumers feel more secure in knowing you’re not only on the Internet.
Beef up your security with basic SSL protection; make sure the transaction is made with HTTPS. Otherwise, not only are you endangering your customer data but you are also breaking the law.
Importantly, offer several payment methods.
Although trust to pay with credit cards on the Internet has increased, there are still users who prefer to use PayPal or pay on delivery.
Include all the options that allow you to capture more customers.
Even if you aren’t selling your products through an e-commerce platform, customers will still be visiting your website, and the amount of safety they feel while there can play a significant role in how much they trust your brand.
Use stamps of confidence. Such certificates make consumers trust your business at the time to give their data: for 37% of buyers, this is the most important factor.
2. Keep your Promises:
Strategically, it’s in your best interest to under-promise and over-deliver when it comes to all forms of customer expectations.
Don’t just assume trust exists. It makes sense that as social human beings, we want to keep promises we make to our partners.
But often the little things get overlooked.
Make keeping your promises about little things as important as keeping your promises about the big things.
Product advertisement creates consumer expectations. People deliver experience which creates repeat purchase.
Delivering promises is directly linked to customer acquisition cost helps in measuring your ability to generate new revenue from sales and marketing expenditures.
A business should maintain consumer satisfaction at a higher level. Satisfaction is the difference between expectation and experience.
Buzz words and unfulfilled brand promises have made consumers not trust brands nearly as much as they used to.
The reason being, customers feel they’ve been lied to, and taken for granted over time.
That is a broken trust already. Keep a promise and earn it!
A fulfilled promise boosts brand positioning – the strategic intent (aim) or design for a differentiated brand image within a specific target audience.
3. Publish Customer Reviews and Testimonials:
No matter how trustworthy your brand is, consumers will almost always trust other consumers more than companies. Stories drive people to action. Good stories carry ideas. A good story tells good customer service.
Why does word of mouth matter? Consumers know that no matter how unbiased you may try to be; you’re ultimately going to position your brand in a positive light.
Word of mouth generates more than twice the sales of advertising. It creates trust.
Leverage your audience’s trust of other customers to your advantage by publishing reviews and testimonials on your site.
So, how do you design customer reviews and testimonials? If you run an e-commerce store, for example, encourage your customers to leave reviews and add those reviews to product pages.
If you run a service-based business, on the other hand, ask your current and past clients if they’d be willing to share their experiences with your company.
Then, design a testimonials page based filled with their responses.
Regardless of the exact approach you take, word of mouth from other consumers will make prospective buyers more comfortable giving your business a chance — and will help them trust your brand right from the start.
Even though only 7% of word of mouth is online. Word of mouth creates trusts, converting the customers into advocates.
4. Communicate Openly and Frequently:
Could transparency really be the catalyst to drive trust? Be open and transparent about your goals and processes.
Don’t ever leave your customers in the dark. As a golden rule: the more you talk to your customers, the better.
Make it a rule that most communication, especially important subject matter, must happen. If something ever goes wrong, acknowledge the error proactively.
The true meaning of a message can get lost via text, email, and sometimes even on the phone. Make sure you are both heard and understood the same thing by talking face to face.
Transparency enhances brand equity – the commercial value a brand provides to a firm through its effects on the attitudes and behaviors of its stakeholders.
5. Go all-out for customer service:
The customer service your company provides can have a major bearing on customer trust and loyalty.
Trust becomes fragile when customers have an issue with something. If they experience a problem and receive prompt, helpful and memorable service experience, you will stick in their minds and hearts.
In essence, they’ll remember you as a reliable brand.
But if you drop the ball, you’ll lose a customer forever and likely experience a dip in your reputation. Whenever you can, go all-out in your customer service.
Don’t just turn to the most cost-efficient way to resolve a problem; make sure your customers feel heard and appreciated, and go out of your way to make them happy.
It’s, therefore, crucial to hire dedicated support staff who are trained to a high standard.
The aim here is to provide an efficient, professional, and personable experience for your customers.
6. Always be available:
Be contactable in any possible way. Customers feel comforted knowing they can talk with someone at any time they choose.
A brand ideal is a business’s essential reason for being, the higher-order benefit it brings to the world.
Without a brand ideal, no business can truly excel. A brand defines who you are and what you stand for as a business to everyone the business touches, from employees to end consumers.
Along those same lines, it’s vital that your brand always be available, in some way, for the consumers who need it.
A business’ contact page is the touchpoint of interaction with their customers. For that very reason, it’s guaranteed to be one of the most visited pages on any website.
On landing pages, including a phone number or an instant chat box can instantly increase your conversion rate.
It’s a great idea to provide as many avenues for connection as possible: phone numbers, your email address, social media handles and live chat functionality.
Customer experience is the number one brand differentiator. Specifically, it is the holistic perception of customers and their interactions with an organization and its products and services throughout their relationship, becoming happy and loyal.
The experience impacts all areas of business; feelings and emotions, and encompasses the entire customer journey.
Collaboration remains a top priority for businesses as the companies that focus on customer experience reduce churn and scale up their revenues.
Organizations have realized that an outstanding customer experience keeps customers coming back while spreading the word about their experience.
To rapidly address customer problems and drive innovation, the need of engaging an organization’s front-line employees to deliver on the customer strategy remains crucial.
For that reason, companies develop sets of principles for moving well beyond the basics of customer service by putting power, resources, and trust in the hands of value-zone employees.
You must have heard of some of the most common causes for bad customer experiences involving: difficult purchasing processes, negative experiences with customer support, compromising a customer’s security, waiting too long on hold, and Ignoring customer feedback.
Such mishaps violate consumer expectations. Consequently, customer care transformation is important as it compels companies to change their business models and adapt to the new market reality.
In the process, they establish critical enablers to drive transformational change via mindsets, behaviors and capabilities, technology enablement, operating model, and performance management.
Research by American Express found that 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a better experience. Such an empirical result means that any business model must therefore be customer-centric.
Here is a five-step process for moving beyond a suggestion-box mentality, to a strategy that will help you improve customer satisfaction and increase revenues:
Step 1: Create a clear customer experience vision
The first phase is top-management buy-in on a customer-centric strategy to ensure a shared vision. At this stage, you are connecting the front-line employees to the customer strategy.
The easiest way to define this vision is to create a set of guiding principles.
The set of rules drives the behavior of your organization embedded into all areas of training and development.
Such a top management approach can help in the re-alignment of corporate culture, training, work processes, and reward systems.
Importantly, the core customer journeys must be identified and transformed by redesigning and digitizing them.
Step 2: Understand your customers and create an emotional connection
A business needs to focus on its customers. One way to do this is to segment your customers and create personas to understand them better.
Get to know details of the needs, wants, and fearsof the customers. This helps your organization to connect and empathize with the situations that your customers face.
Customers are 3 times more likely to purchase and recommend your product or service if they have an emotional connection with your brand.
Emotionally engaged customers have a higher lifetime value, as they tend to be loyal, satisfied, and ready to make new purchases.
Step 3: Empower your workforce, and invest in your frontline
How can you tell if you are delivering an excellent customer experience?
Getting customer feedback helps you know what customers think about the quality of your service compared to the customer experience principles you have defined.
Therefore, the use of a quality framework for the development of your team at every level makes them understand the customer strategy.
They also need simple problem-solving frameworks that are used throughout the organization to promote cross-hierarchical dialogue.
The quality framework takes this assessment one step further by scheduling and tracking your team’s development through coaching, eLearning, and group training.
The front office serves as the face of an employer. Often, it is the first and sometimes only people who the clients meet. This is not so different from other employees.
Too many companies are content to hire front-line staff without carefully considering whether they possess the right attitude and values to represent their brand.
The elephant in the room is what should be done to cure an institutional customer experience gap. The answer is: invest in them.
Step 4: Grant employees the opportunity to experiment
Most employees at the value zone know what ails a company. Sometimes even before management does or, at least, before management is willing to admit it.
They not only see service breakdowns but also opportunities for serving customers in entirely innovative ways. For that reason, an organization needs to act upon continuous employee feedback.
This can be done using tools that allow staff to share ideas on how to improve the customer experience and for managers to see how the staff is feeling towards the business.
The use of project management software or social media tools can leave continuous feedback.
Also, teaching front-line leaders the basics for designing simple experiments enables organizations to test many more ideas than could ever be orchestrated centrally.
For example, Amazon, where CEO Jeff Bezos often insists on leaving an empty chair at meetings to represent the “customer’s voice,” has a data-driven culture that actively encourages employees to build experiments based on customer insight.
Step 5: Eliminate the barriers, unnecessary bureaucracy
The biggest problem with the old-age organization structure is that it doesn’t support the people in the value zone-the place where value is truly created for customers.
When a leader holds too much power prevents the organization from becoming democratized, and the energy of the employees from being released.
People must align themselves and work together toward one goal. But it will not happen without a culture of trust.
Reduce the silos. Break down unnecessary bureaucracy, decision processes, or administrative work that impedes the front line to expeditiously serve customers.
Lack of trust among employees and management is a barrier to change of culture.
There are many ways to build trust, but one specific trust-building action is pushing the ‘envelope of transparency’.
Finally, the customer experience metric is one of the biggest challenges faced by organizations.
It helps them know if all this investment in teams, processes, and technology is working and paying off.
There are different software that can be used to measure the journey. Companies can connect with their customers in new and exciting ways, thanks to technology.
Your first step to undertake a business venture is to have a purpose. The higher-order benefit your venture brings to the world in improving people’s lives should be creating value to consumers.
For every entrepreneur and startup, consumer benefit is linked to profit margin. But how then do you decide the price of your product?
Pricing is a process with the ultimate goal of defining a strategy that will maximize your revenue. Therefore, important to make decisions that help in arriving at the right pricing strategy for your business.
But the fact remains many people automatically think cost-based pricing which sometimes known as cost-plus when they think of “pricing strategy.”
In this stratagem, the company calculates costs, and then adds a healthy 20% margin on top. It works well for a few months until some unexpected costs crop up. Then the margin is cut to 5% and then 0% with huge losses.
The biggest mistake many businesses make is to believe that price alone drives sales. Sales are driven by your brand ideal. Its directly linked to Value-based pricing (VBP) by setting prices according to the perceived value of a product.
Below are three key reasons to base your pricing on customer value:
1. Opportunity for a business to know its customers
VBP gives businesses a very good perspective of their customer base by focusing on their willingness to pay for a product.
By placing a premium on the opinions of your customers, you are focusing on the people who will be making the buying decisions.
Important to know, customers don’t care about cost, they care about the value they are paying for. The strategy helps customers identify key value items (KVIs) as they decide on whether or not, your pricing and packaging is correct.
At this level, businesses enhance their consumer experience to customers. As a result, they grow strong brand image, and loyal customer base with increased demand and profit.
2. Helps in attracting customers based on their subjective assessment
Unlike cost-based pricing which involves adding up all the costs involved in creating and delivering a product, value-based pricing considers consumer experience. With it, the company enhances understanding of the value consumers get from the product.
Ideally, a product or service should be a solution to consumers. Value-based pricing is more common for services and cost-based pricing is more common for physical products.
To attract customers, especially if you are in the service industry, your cost-based pricing should not exceed the value that customers would put on your service.
You look for pricing information from the people who are going to make a decision depending on your price, your customers.
3. Helps business build the best product
Pricing isn’t just about the number of phone call enquiries, or the visitors on your website. Marketing experts advise that consumers purchase products or services hoping to get results from one of these 3 core desires: wealth, health or relationships.
Market desires can only be satisfied through consumer knowledge. The knowledge of consumers helps a business in designing product packages and features.
As you let consumers help you set prices, remember other important aspects of the market, such as competitor prices. Not considered accurately, can lead to a loss in profit margin despite an increase in sales.
As an entrepreneur, you should re-evaluate your pricing strategy every 6 months, and if there is room to raise prices you should.
Feb 27, 2021 | Updated Feb 27, 2021
One of the three ways in which internal governance is established in organizations is by drafting, publishing, and enforcing policies and procedures.
An equally important aspect of establishing good leadership within an organization is the establishment of a corporate culture that supports it. Culture determines how a company’s employees and management interact and handle business transactions.
Think about your current workplace. If you are constantly dealing with negative reinforcement, work to rule mentality, punishment versus praise, and never experienced a work social event, chances are you are part of a negative corporate culture.
corporate culture is the willingness of staff to cooperate with an organization’s policies and procedures and to adopt the spirit of those policies into their work and behavior. This process begins with the organization’s leadership and filters down throughout the organization.
Toxic corporate cultures can therefore quickly kill future success of a business organization. Changing your corporate culture is a challenging process but is possible.
Here are five ways to identify if your corporate culture has gone toxic with possible ways to fix it.
1. Unmotivated employees
Toxic culture results in employees lacking the motivation to perform their duties. Such employees are “present,” but demonstrate no “presence.” This culture develops when employees, management, and leaders lack the commitment towards reaching organizational goals.
A Harvard Business School study found that nearly half of employees who experienced toxicity in the workplace reduced their effort and made a conscious choice to spend less time at work. Fixing this problem is establishing effective company-wide communication to enhance engagement. Effective communication can shift a culture.
2. Lack of Core Values
Core values are the behavioral rules inside of a business. Finding the right set of employees and leaders for the organization means also ensuring that every new hire shares similar values in their work-style and ethics.
Those that are already part of the company need to also remember what shared values are of importance. The solution is to develop company behavioral rules — the core values.
3. Failure to meet deadlines
If you are a business owner or manager, you can’t afford these setbacks. It is imperative you identify the reasons behind these missed deadlines. It’s typically an imbalance of responsibility and authority at many levels.
Such a setback occurs when employees are not trained to communicate and lead at each level. Encourage collaborative communication.
4. Feeling undervalued
Employees would lose interest and morale to work when they feel undervalued. This creates dissatisfaction and negativity which leads to a toxic culture. Good leadership should create a culture that gives employees a sense of recognition and appreciation.
5. High turnover
One major warning sign of a company culture gone bad is high turnover. Your turnover rate is the figurethat can give you an idea of how well your employee retention strategies are. This rate reflects the number of employees who have left your company during any given time period.
The first step in correcting this issue is identifying the root cause. Then correct the problem and create a more positive effect downstream.
Addressing a toxic culture requires buy-in from top-down. Only once the people leading the company make necessary changes can they expect the rest of the company to follow.
Companies can spend millions in trying to replace lost talent, implement the latest technology, and even train employees. But if a toxic workplace environment is not replaced, they’re bound to fail.
A value proposition(VP) is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service.
Also, the features of your product or the details of the service that you provide should be similarly familiar to you. A value proposition, therefore, bridges the gap between these two aspects of your work.
Marketing experts advise that consumers purchase products or services hoping to get results from one of these 3 core desires: wealth, health or relationships. The VP should be designed to fit in the three areas.
Relevancy. Explains how your product solves customers’ problems or improves their situation.
Quantified value. Explains how your product/service will deliver specific benefits.
Differentiation. compels the ideal customer to buy from you and not from the competition.
On your website or even online advertisement, your value proposition is the first thing visitors see on your homepage. It should also be visible at all major entry points to the site.
Your value proposition needs to be in the language of the customer. Use the right language for your value proposition.
Here are the 5-Step guide to defining your Product Value Proposition:
1. Identify your customer’s pain points
Humans’ triggers either move them away from pain or toward pleasure. Mostly, the first direction people can be moving in is away from pain.
So, have you identified the pains that your product or service will solve or the gains it would elicit for consumers?
It’s for that reason the solution your company will offer by selling a product or service is vital to customers. Important to note: Customers do not pay for products. They pay for a solution your company is offering.
Therefore, design your value proposition based on real problems (pain points) customers are facing. When a customer recognizes the value, they purchase again.
Benefits are what a consumer hopes to get, feel or achieve when they use a product. How does your product satisfy the needs, desires and wants of a consumer?
Your product should help consumers improve to either improve on their health, create wealth and enhance their relationships.
Also, does your product fit in the three (3E’s) model of value creation: efficiency, effectiveness, and consumer experience? Remember, value is created within the consumer, not in the product.
3. Connect the Value to your Customer’s pain
Keep your proposition in your customer’s language. Customers have conversations in their heads about their pain points and possible solutions.
Understanding customers’ pain points through problem interview business model is important. After which, you offer a solution to their pain.
If you speak their language and insert yourself in the conversation, they will notice you and hear your proposition. Your product should be the solution they’ve been looking for all this time.
This approach helps an entrepreneur to adjust their business model according to consumers’ needs.
4. Differentiate your product from the competition
Product differentiation is the introduction of distinctive features to a product to ensure a unique selling proposition of the product. As you offer solutions to consumers’ pains, ensure your uniqueness serves as a catalyst in a consumer’s purchase decision-making process.
Differentiation enables your product stand out over other companies offering similar product substitutes. A successful differentiation boosts sales for a company and promotes brand loyalty.
5. Test your value proposition
The biggest mistake marketers make with value propositions is not testing variations. Test your proposition with small user groups to choose which one you set as your sample.
Launching outreach to user group helps entrepreneurs evaluate if the offer resonates or fails the market test. A/B test can be used to test other variations.
Test propositions that focus on different user problems or key benefits to make sure you’re on the right track.
In sum, creating killer value propositions becomes a top priority for every channel of communication you choose for your business.
Now that you can answer the question “What is a value proposition?
Remember, the value proposition evolves with customers.
Employee personality can hurt a brand. To control this, an institution must live to itscore valuesand belief system.
Jenny Schade, a brand expert puts it that the promise an organization makes to consumers is not only delivered through products and services, but also through the behaviors of the employees who represent the brand with every move.
It means that the organization’s employees play integral part in its vision and the strategic plan. It trickles down from the Chief Executive Officer to the office cleaner.
Tangible and intangible values
The creation of both tangible values as well as intangible ones is proportionate to employees’ professional conduct and personal lives.
Brand disaster happens when the institution only gives promises to external public while ignoring the employees manifesting a bad culture.
Lack of an appealing workplace and unfair treatment are equally injurious to the employees who must live the brand every day. Such a stingy culture ignores diversity and perpetuates discrimination.
It scathes personal and institutional reputation because employees are the workforce through which the company fulfills its brand promise.
2. Employees should be proud of their brand
Brand promise of a company can be achieved through performance requires people. Employees should “feel good and be proud’ about the institutions they represent.
This gives them a crystal-clear understanding of exactly what the company expects from each of them.
One of the mistakes that some institutions make is to disengage the internal audience and coldly deal with external key players as suppliers, contractors.
Respect and use of good words build employees. Lack of it means the institutionalbrand attributes such as prestige would be lost. Brand experts emphasize that Company Employees should be married to brand.
Researches find that brand identification is influenced by factors such as prestige, satisfaction, corporate communication, and attractiveness.
The best individuals to further these attributes are the happy employees.
A bond with stakeholders enhances a company’s image through multiple social networks. As a result, the stakeholders influence one another in the formation of consumption attitudes, behaviors and decision making.
3. Trustworthy employees help achieve objectives
Branding has emerged as an integral feature of any institution’s strategic plan considered a key organizational asset.
An institution’s uniqueness therefore can only be considered achievable by having credible, reliable, responsible and trustworthy individual employees.
These personal characteristics directly have a bearing to the extent to which an institutional value meets the economic, psychological or functional needs of voters.
An institution can build a great brand by designing comprehensive public relations strategies to salvage its image.
This is only achievable when employee ambassadors are considered and the institution lives to its values.
Employees remain the foundation of a company’s brand personality.
Feb 09, 2021 | Updated Feb 12, 2021
by @JoshuaNgala
This articlewas originally published on joshuangala's WordPress blog
Every entrepreneur has a purpose driving them to undertake a business venture. With a reason to start a business, value proposition remains an important part of the company’s ideal.
The solution your company will offer by selling a product or service is vital to customers.
For new business owners, finding customers becomes a priority task. However, does your business plan fit into Scalabl’s 7 rules for a virtuous business model? The rules include: no investment, no financial and economic risks, no risks of hidden cost, and scalable combination of gross margin, price, and volume?
The Pareto Principle implies that 80% of your revenue results will come from just 20% of the action. It is, therefore, important to have strategies for customer segmentation and relationships.
As an entrepreneur, customer segmentation, and persona is key. Who are you selling to and where are they? What is your target industry? What segment(s) of the customers will get the most value? How do you identify and prioritize targets? Who is the target buyer within each company? What are their circumstances? What are the pains that your product or service will solve, or the gains it would elicit for them? What is the job title of the typical buyer? How do you know you are right with the customer persona?
The best way of winning customers is to ensure that your product fits into one of the three core market desires: wealth, health, and relationship. When consumers purchase products, they hope to get results in the three areas.
Remember as a startup, you can build a great product. You can also create an amazing company with almost a perfect business model. But customers will not come automatically.
Below are the steps to win customers:
1. Virtuous business model canvas
One golden secret to get and retain customers is to use Scalabl’s virtuous business model canvas. The model creates continuous learning as the guiding principle to startups. Unlike the conventional business plans, the methodology offers the best customer-centric business model on entrepreneurship and innovation.
With this model, an entrepreneur lets potential customers shape the business in a collaborative manner.
What ultimately determines why you buy from one company rather than another? First, it’s their brands’ images and reputations. Second, it’s the relationships you have with them.
Active listening and testing, therefore, remain necessary tools. As Francisco Santolo, Harvard Business School alumnus would say, “any business ideal should be to improve consumers’ lives. It helps you move potential customers from pain to gain.”
Under this model canvas, an entrepreneur would then do a problem interview to know the jobs, gains, and pains of the already segmented customers. This process would be considered acustomer personain ordinary marketing.
The next stage is the solution interview. This is where you try out the minimum viable product (MVP) subjecting it to customers to test, learn, co-create and get feedback. At this stage, you are doing a market hypothesis based on the solutions to customers’ pains.
So, why interview potential clients? The reason is consumer identification, and interviews have a decisive influence on the design of the final product or service.
Generating sales materials and various channels of communications come in handy at the tail end. Stick to three important factors when designing sales materials: a clearly defined business purpose, delineated customer segments, and MVP and its validated price.
The final stage is testing the sales road map to scale. With your MVP, price testing remains key with the response pattern of consumers identified and interviewed at the first stages.
This technique will make your business grow beyond the competition. It simply powers an enterprise to the top and keeps it there. Now move on and grow your company, employ staff and create functional areas. Then fire the founder.
Active listening at every stage provides valuable information to an entrepreneur to make decisions that will generate and maximize value.
Below are some of the best traditional ways to get customers for a virtuous business model canvas:
2. Referrals
Referral is one of the easiest ways to get new customers. It remains part of how a business grows its customer relationships.
Research holds that referral customers tend to purchase more over time and in turn become a source of additional referrals.
Landing referrals from networking or past business associations has a way to pick up customers with the highest retention rates. Build referral-generating activity into the sales process.
Create a system that solicits referrals from your satisfied customers.
3. Networking
Entrepreneurship is about continuous learning and networking. It enhances the creation and nurturing of authentic and, meaningful relationships in the ecosystem. Think of your network: personal, academic, or professional ones.
In your business model canvas, create a database of like-minded individuals to incorporate into your network. The database should contain your potential customers and their contacts.
Achieve your purpose of transformative experience by becoming an advocate of collaboration and a creator of opportunities within a community of people that trusts in networking.
Think of your value proposition as how you’ll build relationships that lead to new customers. Find out “How you can be of service to others” rather than “What’s in it for you.”
4. Partner with complementary businesses
Which activities in your canvas would be performed through others? Have a list of third-party resources in your canvas model.
Again, team up with businesses that have a similar customer base, but aren’t directly competitive.
Collaborate on targeting each other’s customers to drive new business to each other. Also, team up on how to offer discounts and deals to each other’s customers.
5. Improve your channels
These days, consumers find new businesses primarily by searching online. Three key areas of channels should feature in your virtuous business model canvas.
First is the sales channels (describe the means you will sell your product/service?).
Second is the distribution channel (how will you deliver your product/service to the customer?).
Third is communication channels (Which means will you use to communicate your product/service?).
Your social media and website have to attract new customers. You can custom make a website at cost-free. Ensure the design, content, graphics, and SEO links are up-to-date.
Above best tips carefully implemented with customer centricity and collaborations, will make entrepreneurs flourish in their business model. So, is your business model canvas virtuous?